Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 76 Night - What Do You Do When The Perfect Storm Of Itching Never Ends?

Right now, over the past few days, I have been in the middle of the perfect storm of itching. The low-pressure blasts from my knees ran straight into the tropical gusts of my elbows, then became combined with the insistent swirling on my belly and the sudden upswell from my shins, to fabricate a once-in-a-lifetime worst-case scenario that is the perfect storm of endless itching.
The Insane Conglomeration Of Symptomatology Creates A Perfect Storm

There are moments like in the movie when a silence takes over the room and a calm envelops my body as I find myself in the eye of the storm. Nothing is quite as deceptive and unforgiving as the eye of a storm because it gives you a sense that it will soon be over, that the hellacious repetition is coming to a close. Like the fishermen on the Andrea Gale (Billy Tyne, Alfred Pierre, David "Sully" Sullivan, Michael "Bugsy" Moran, Dale "Murph" Murphy, and Bobby Shatford), there must have been a moment when I thought that the medications would work and the itching would stop and the storm would end. There must have been a sense that I would be able to escape the inevitable. When Billy Tyne realizes that the eye of the storm is passing and the monster is upon them, he tells Bobby Shatford, "She's not going to let us out." And the monster wave they face looms huge and is overwhelming and it reflects the way I am feeling tonight.
The Monster Wave Of The Perfect Storm Is A Mirror To My Mind-Set
What is the answer? I don't know if there is such a thing. I know that I am plugging forward, hoping to survive the insanity of these days and praying they will pass into the calm after the storm. I am so exhausted by the trial of this experience and I just want it to be over. But there is a long road looming before me, and there are no easy answers to the question of being cured once and for all. Behold the crucible of my time and, if you can, say a prayer for me.

At the very least, be thankful that I am not posting pictures of the affected areas. There is no need to share images what should never have arisen in the first place. When I see such images on the web, they just make my stomach turn, and I am quite sure that nobody needs the ugliness of such proof. Why would anyone make up a story about the yuckiness of needing to itch all the time? What would be the point? No, I realize that you can imagine it all for yourself, and I know that you want it to pass as well.

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